A bike which...was designed to reach the 6 corners of France

Illustration of Diagonale bicycle by René Herse

The “Diagonale” was made by the famous French bike builder in René Herse in a Paris suburb in the sixties. The “crème de la crème of touring bikes”, its superb quality came with a high price tag - about 3-4 months’ average wages.

The bicycle’s name is a nod to long-distance cycling challenge “Les Diagonales”, in which cyclists race between 6 cities on the rough diagonals of the French hexagon (Brest in the West of Brittany, Dunkerque in Normandy, Strasbourg in the East bordering Germany, Menton on the Mediterranean border with Italy, Perpignan in the South and Hendaye, bordering the Spanish Basque country).

Another ride for my bucket list.